Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Kittywampus has her Name!

The months are passing quickly.  Hard to believe it is mid July and we have a little more than 4 months before it will be time to leave!

The captain has been busy working on the boat every single day.  It is slowly coming along and we are getting closer to the day that we can jump on board and head off.  And I must say we can hardly wait! Last weekend, the boat got her name placed on the transom and we really like the way it turned out.  We think it fits her perfectly. 


 Most of the electrical systems will be completed soon, and work has started on the interior cabinetry.  We are beginning to look at upholstery material for the settees, and I am trying to work out what to do about coverings for the windows and hatches.  Kittywampus has lots of windows, which we love, however the windows are not standard shaped, making it difficult to find a suitable covering.  But we will figure it out.  The swim platform has been installed and Captain BoBo is pleased with the way it turned out.  The interior really needs a good cleaning so hopefully I will get around to that this weekend.  One of many cleanings that will need to be done.  But happy to do it, knowing we will be moving on board in a few months.

One other thing we must to do this weekend.....get champagne and toast her new name!!!