Sunday, October 18, 2015

Cruisers Heading South!

Well, here we are...the middle of October, and we are noticing boats that are heading south.  And we are not among them!!!  I never thought I would consider myself a "boater", but with the cooler temperatures, I am finding myself being envious of the cruisers passing us by.  Living where we do, we see the water activity daily.  In the summer, it's mostly day sailors or party boats moving up and down the river.  The summer season presents lots of water traffic.  But during the fall season, the traffic slows a bit, as well as the type of traffic.  Now we see cruisers moving along... with their dinghies in tow, and their provisioned boats sitting low in the water.  And they are moving along, only stopping for a day or two, to enjoy the town where they have docked and possibly do some laundry or enjoy sightseeing, before pulling in the lines and start moving southward.  Yep, I am a bit envious of them.

We did get a chance to hook up with Mike and Dottie on Cool Beans (formerly FAT CHANCE) this weekend.  They stopped by on their way southward and it was good to see them and the boat.  I had hoped that the new owners of FAT CHANCE would use her and take good care of her.  She was such a great boat for Captain Man and me, and we are thrilled to see her being enjoyed and used!!!

Captain Man and I did take a few hours off yesterday afternoon to walk downtown and see the activities of Smoke on the Water.  Lots of vendors showing off their wares, the noted Chili Cook Off and the Dragon Boat races were some of the  hi-lights.  It was a beautiful day and lots of folks turned out for the activities.

Watching the Dragon Boat races

It's a close race!

One coming out in front

And crossing the finish line, (or buoy)

 As we were walking along, we noticed several cruising boats anchored out, or pulled up to the free dock.  That was yesterday....guess what...they are gone today.  Heading south!