Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Happy New Year!

It's been a while since I last posted, and a lot has happened.  First, we are still in North Carolina.  Before Thanksgiving, Captain Man and I decided that he was working way too hard to try to get the boat finished enough to take off.   Plus there were a couple of family things going we discussed it and decided that maybe this year wasn't the right time to head south.  Whew....what a relief.  Now let me state that we really did not want to stay in NC another winter, but it was the right decision.  And it took the pressure off of Captain Man.  He is now working at a much more relaxed pace, and doesn't have a constant look of strain and worry on his face.  And the boat is looking great!

Next, there is an addition to our family, my granddaughter, was born on December 10.  Both baby girl and mama are doing well, the best Christmas gift ever!  Since we are hanging around another winter season, I will be able to enjoy seeing "Pookie" (my nickname for her, not what mama and daddy named her).

And....I am no longer full time employed.  Our plan was to leave after the baby was born, so I gave my notice at work a long, long time ago.  So, when we decided we would not be going to the Bahamas this year, I figured I would take the next 6 months off anyway.   No more
2 hours a day drive time!! Woohoo!!!  So my last day of work as full time employee was December 1.  I was able to enjoy the holiday season at a more relaxed to bake, entertain and spend time with my family.  Very nice!!

And here we are, in NC, starting off 2016 working on Kittywampus and awaiting spring.  Hopefully, Captain Man will get the boat in the water by the end of February and maybe we will take her to Ocracoke for some R & R.  I must say, Captain Man did a wonderful job with her.  Can't wait to actually enjoy her on the water!

Happy New Year!!!