Saturday, February 25, 2017

Eight Weeks Without Engine Power!!!

Can't believe it, but it has been 8 weeks since we were towed by Towboat to Indiantown.  Captain Man immediately went to work looking for a new or rebuilt engine and after thorough research decided the best thing was to buy a new engine. And eight weeks later....the new engine is here!  I am so happy!!! Would not have thought I would be so excited over a motor, but I am.  This means we get to move along!!! YAY!!!

So what have we been doing for 8 weeks?  We have visited every park within a 50 mile radius, plus we have taken several day trips to nearby areas.  One of our adventures was a trip to the National Everglades Park.  Lots of walking opportunities, but also bike trails.  We opted to rent the bikes and went for a 15 mile ride.  Good exercise with lots of wildlife along the way.

One of many we saw during our ride

Trying to learn birds from Florida and I believe this is the Egret

The view from top of the observation deck

Great Blue Heron, I think.

Alligators basking in the sun

About half way, we stopped for lunch at the observation deck

After the long bike ride, a airboat ride was in order.  A young Miccosukee Indian was our captain and he was kind enough to show us how the Miccosukee Indians lived in the Everglades many years ago.  Tough people to withstand the environment...just the insects itself would have been enough to have me looking for a better home, not to mention all the reptiles, many, many reptiles.

Our Ride

Small Miccosukee Indian Village, no longer inhabited

Original carvings

I forgot to mention our nephew from Germany is here for a visit.  Initially, the plan was for him to fly to Nassau and enjoy a few weeks with us in the Bahamas.  We told him up front the Bahamas was not a possibility due to engine failure, but he opted to come and stay with us while in Florida.  So, while here, we took several road trips.  

We went to the Kennedy Space Center, and I must say I was in awe at seeing the space shuttle Atlantis.  This shuttle took astronauts into space for thirty years and now rests at the Space Center.  Makes me proud that our country spearheaded the Shuttle project, an amazing feat.

I was touched as we visited the tribute dedicated to the 14 lost souls of Challenger.  I remember that day well... I was at home watching the launch on TV. 

For me the space shuttle was the hi-light of this trip.  For the guys, they enjoyed the techie stuff.

The next day, we headed to the beach.  The guys enjoyed the small surf, while I soaked up the sun.  I prefer a more secluded tropical paradise, but this was the next best thing. 

Go Nephew!!!

Waves were kinda of small

Nothing like your feet in the sand!

Our next road trip was to Miami for a bit of Cuban cuisine and a touch of Miami's nightlife.  Our hotel was a renovated Art Deco hotel, and beautifully done.  Wonderful staff and immaculate rooms, had a fantastic breakfast including mimosas!  Although I skipped on the mimosas....enjoyed Mojitos the night before, so coffee was in order the next morning.

Hotel's small bar

Front of the hotel, small but lovely

Our room

My lunch...Tostones Rellenos and white sangria

A couple of days in Miami...too much food and a little drink and we were ready to get back to the boat.  Always nice to get back to our home on the water after a jaunt elsewhere.   We always enjoy relaxing on the water and settling in to a calmer mode.  

AND...the engine is here!  Yippee!  Woo HOO!!!  Cannot wait for Captain Man to get that beautiful red engine installed so we can get going!  While Indiantown has been fun and the people gracious, we are ready to be on our way.

Keep your fingers crossed that all will go well with the installation, as this engine is not the engine that comes with the boat, so adjustments must be made.  But I am certain that Captain Man has it all figured out.  

In the meantime.....Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Still in Indiantown!

Our visitor this morning

I must say that I am disappointed that we are still here in Indiantown.  Captain Man and I have been working hard for over 2 years to take 6 months off to sail to the Bahamas.  But we are still in Florida, engineless.  We are told the new engine should be here by the end of next week.  I can't help but ask....Why does it take so long????  The engine is being shipped from England to the distributor here in the states and then will be shipped to Indiantown.  I cannot wait!   We have visited every park in the area, been to every much so that the locals know us by name, and have done all the "top 10 things to do in Stuart/Indiantown" on TripAdvisor.   The only thing we haven't done here is the swamp buggy ride.  I am not big on swamp creatures, but after being grounded here for over a month, we may have to check it out.

But things happen for a reason, and being stuck here did allow me to fly back to NC to be with my brother for his surgery and to check on my parents.  And of course...I spent time with my granddaughter while I was there.  I was glad the weather cooperated while I was but not the frigid cold they were experiencing a week before.

Misty cool NC morning

Got back to Florida and the first night dipped into low 40's.  COLD for this area. But it did not last long...the sun came out and warmed everything to a comfortable 76 degrees.

Sunny Indiantown morning

We are still planning on taking the boat to the Bahamas, but obviously our stay there will be much shorter.  We plan to get back to NC in April, as we have a huge project (our craftsman fixer upper!)awaiting us and we want to start working on it before the humid NC summer kicks in.   

So here we areWe are catching up on reading, Captain Man is getting all boat chores done, and I am counting down the days until we release the lines to the dock and move along.  

Until next time...enjoy!