Saturday, March 25, 2017

Farmer's Cay

One of our favorite places to visit in the Exumas is Little Farmer's Cay.  The reason, other than the beauty?....The people.   I have come to think of the people here as "my family in the Bahamas".  Since my first visit over 13 years ago, and the numerous times from then to now, we always stop here and stay longer than most other places.  Captain Man and I have developed a bond with these wonderful people who enjoy the simple life.  
Today, we learned some of our friends have past on since our last visit and we are saddened.  But we are grateful that we knew them, smiled and laughed with them and enjoyed some special times with them. 
But, we were thrilled to find our dear friend Altimus in seemingly good health, as the last time we were here, he had just recently suffered a stroke.   

Part of our walking route

Before lunch, we walked with Altimus to the airport and were pleasantly surprised when after a short rest on the golf cart, he opted to continue walking back.  Good for you Altimus!!!

We stopped by JR's to say hello, and as usual, he was doing his thing...carving.  He takes tree trunks, thick branches, etc.,  and transforms them into beautiful carvings.  

Before JR's skillful hands

After JR's skillful hands!

His work is amazing.  I have seen his work range from very small to huge.  Most of which is done with a chisel and mallet.  

Back to Brenda's for our lunch...which was Brenda's cracked conch and mac n cheese...yum!  While eating, we visited with Harvey, Debbie, Denise, and others while Altimus reminisced of days gone by.   A large meal, good conversation and sun shining on our backs...time to head back to the boat for afternoon siesta.   Maybe later we will stop by Ty's Restaurant to watch the sunset. 

Looking across Little Harbor
The little female Beauties of Farmer's
Little Harbor
Fishing boat

The new docks
So for now...



Friday, March 24, 2017

Another Day in Paradise

Sun Daze at Black Point   

Looking into the harbor 

Low tide

The dinghy dock 

Regatta Point

The local clinic

The local police station

Yep, it's a working phone booth  

The community's Church 

Beautiful craftsmanship

Nurse shark waiting for scraps from the fisherman's catch

Our "car" in the Bahamas
Thought I would let the pics speak for themselves....


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Exumas, Bahamas-We are Here!

We are in the Exumas!  It seems like a very long time since we left NC on this trip, and our time here is going to be short, only a few weeks.  Then we will have to head back home, BUT for now we are here, and it is as beautiful as I remember it to be.  Words just cannot describe... so for this post, I will let the pictures speak.

Leaving Nassau, heading for Normans Cay

While most people think of Paradise Island Resort as 'The Bahamas',  Captain Man and I head further south.   We tend to shy away from the touristy areas, and head off the beaten path.  While I know it can be a treat to visit places like this, and I am in no way trying to put a negative spin on these areas, I am more inclined to favor the less ritzy places.  Less is best for us, and we prefer the seclusion of our own little beach, all to ourselves.  

Wax Cay

Our first sunset here for this trip

The clarity of the water is amazing!

Sailing thru the Pipe Cays

We are often off the grid, as internet and phone services can be sketchy, but we are pretty self sufficient...Sun Daze is equipped to make our own water and electricity (water maker and solar panels), and we provision enough before we leave the states to assure we eat, and eat we like to do!  Captain Man loves to spear fish, and our first trip in the water he provided us with 3 lobster, a huge crab, and a strawberry grouper.  Not bad for a couple of hours in the water. 

The Captain at the helm

The sky and sea!

While we love our peace and quiet, we do stop at our favorite places.   Staniel Cay is one of those places.  The Staniel Cay Yacht Club has been here since 1956, and a favorite hang out for cruisers, vacationers, and locals.  If you are thinking of a trip to this area, check out their website. 

Staniel Cay

More of Staniel Cay

Stingray and nurse sharks at the fish cleaning station

You can stay in one of these cute bungalows

Sun Daze anchored in the distance

The sharks waiting for dinner

Sitting in the cockpit watching the sun go down

I will close this post by saying I have mixed emotions about being here this year.  It has been a very different trip for us...for many reasons.  One of heart aches for the suffering that my family has endured over the past months and weeks.   It makes me realize just how precious life is.  We never know when our lives may take a turn for the worst...all the more reason to enjoy every second we haveSo this trip...I smell the ocean air more deeply, enjoy the sunset a little bit longer, and give thanks more often for my blessings. 

To my family...I love you and pray for you every day, will see you soon!!!
