Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Our River House Fixer Upper - Week 41

Wow!  The holidays came and went so quickly!!! Hope everyone enjoyed time with family and friends.  We certainly did...maybe a bit too much!  Lots of good food and not enough physical activity has left us few pounds heavier.  Well it is a new year and time to get back to some healthier habits!

Also time to get back to work on the house.  It is week 41!  Need to get this done!!!

The captain started on our bathroom.  Since we had a working bathroom, we left this for 'later' and so the work resumed this week.

This is what it looked like when we bought the house.


It was small and a tight fit between commode and shower.  And we did not like the layout.  So we gutted the room completely sometime late spring of last year.  

Yuck, I can tell you that was a nasty job.  


Then my fixer upper man enlarged the bathroom by removing the pass thru from the back room (which is now our dining room) to our bedroom.  New dry wall was added, and we installed our extra long, extra deep bathtub.  Both of us are tall and wanted to be able to stretch out in our tub, so it was special ordered and had to have extra support reinforced under the house to assure it would not fall through the floor when filled with water and us 😌 We can't wait to get into that thing and relax with a soaking hot bath!!!

Existing dry wall was repaired and some new dry wall was installed.  Next...paint on the window trim and the walls.  

The bathroom was then left alone so we could work on more pressing projects...but this week the bathroom project work is back in full swing.

The captain is working on tiling the wall around the tub and on the floor.  I must say, I am very pleased with his work. 

Looking good so far.  

If all goes well, we should be able to have a fully functional bath in less than 2 weeks.  Will keep you posted!!!

Until next time...


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Our Winter Storm

Mother Nature decided to provide us with a winter wonderland morning.  Although the captain and I prefer bit warmer temps, I can say the view outside is breathtakingly beautiful.

After lunch we decided to put on our cold weather gear and head out the door for a walk around the neighborhood.  It did not take us long to realize this was not such a good idea.  TOO COLD! and slippery.  Since we are not cold tolerant and are usually further south this time of year, we really are not equipped for snow and freezing temps.  Neither one of us own a pair of appropriate shoes/boots for the snow.  Once we stepped outside, our feet disappeared.  That would be okay if we had something that would keep our feet from getting wet.  I have a pair of boots, but not the type for snow.  The captain, well...lets just say he doesn't own anything close to boots for his feet.

We decided walking on the road would be better, since it has been scraped.  But underneath the snow, there is ice.  We both slipped a couple of times, looked at each other and turned around and came back inside.  Oh well.  We thought it would be fun.  We quickly found out it is more fun to be inside, warm and dry, drinking our hot tea, eating popcorn and watching the neighborhood kids frolicking outside.  (sign of getting older maybe?)

I did have fun for just a few minutes with my camera.  These are hanging from our house. 

Hope everyone is warm and safe.  Until next time...
