Sunday, May 31, 2015


Good Friday morning to all!  Looks like another beautiful day in Eastern NC.  Today Frank and I will be working on the boat, re-bedding windows.  Not a particular exciting chore, but one that puts us closer to getting stuff done.  Actually it is my day off (from my real job), but working on the boat does not feel like work to me, especially if I compare it to my paid job.  We will be outside, enjoying the sunshine and working together, thinking about how ecstatic we will be when we take off on Kittywampus. 

I know Frank does his boat maintenance page, but I will post some pictures later of our progress this weekend, just so I can share how things are coming along.  In the meantime, I have posted some pictures below of a few of our stops in the Exumas last year.  It's not the same as being there, but always puts a smile on my face when I remember our time there.  Hope you enjoy!

This was taken in about 6 feet of water, standing on the deck of the boat.

Sunset at one of our favorite places...Little Farmer's Cay.
One of many breathtaking views from the boat.

Ok, enough daydreaming for to work we go!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Finally, My First Post!

Well, it's about time for me to get off my butt and start posting some blogs.  I've been procrastinating as I do not have a lot of patience when it comes to computer/techie stuff, I just want to log on and start typing.  But of course with a new blog, it doesn't work that way.  There's the design and how you want the blog to look, there's widgets, gadgets, favicons, and all sorts of other stuff that I don't have a clue about.  Hence, the procrastination.  

It is hard to believe that it is already the middle of May.  Frank is working hard to get Kittywampus ready for us to leave in December, while I am busy working at my job.    Both of us have missed not cruising this past year and we are so ready to jump aboard and take off.  For me, once we leave, it's all about the state of mind.  Now, it usually takes me a couple of weeks to get to that blissful peace of mind state, but once I am there, well it is hard to describe.  

So we are eagerly awaiting to take off once more, but while we are here, we are enjoying our family and friends.  We were lucky and found a great apartment overlooking the river.  

Above are some pictures of boardwalk across the street from the apartment.  Great place for early morning walks.  So yeah, we lucked out on finding this place.  

The river is filled with turtles this time of the year, along with geese, ducks, otters, and fish.  Soon the water lilies will be blooming....they are really beautiful during the summer.  This shot was taken last summer, but should not be long now before it will look like this again. 

 So, while we are waiting for the boat to get ready, we honestly cannot complain.  We are lucky and blessed to be here, working hard in a great place, readying ourselves and the boat for our next trip.