Sunday, September 20, 2015

Time to Stain!

Well, the time has come for staining and applying polyurethane to the interior wood on the boat.  So that's what I did yesterday. Captain Man and I finished staining on Thursday.  We were unable to get to the boat on Friday, due to working elsewhere, so we headed to the boat yesterday morning and I ending up getting one coat of polyurethane on all of the "new" wood on the boat.   We think the newer wood will match up fairly well with the existing wood, so good job on the color matching!

We are at the point where we can visualized the interior of the boat now.  Progress!  It's gratifying to see, and I know Captain Man is sensing some light at the end of the tunnel.  He has been working so hard for a long time now, and it will be such a relief to have the boat work done.  (Ok....I know...boat work is never done enough to be able to hop on-board and go somewhere!) 

The settee area looking from Starboard to Port side

The "closet" minus doors

The bathroom area-a shower stall will be there

My seat!  Add cushions and a few pillows and a good book!

So, it is getting to at a point where we are envisioning ourselves enjoying Kittywampus.  We cannot wait!

Roasted Peppers!

One of my co-workers has a garden and gave me a basket of assorted peppers from her bounty.  I knew that we would not be able to eat all of them before they would spoil and have to be tossed.  So, I decided to roast all of them and use them in all sorts of ways, like adding to our salads, tossing with meats, and even pureeing them for use as a pepper sauce for fish, chicken or beef. 

I started by cleaning and seeding most of the peppers.  There were so many varieties, some of which I could not identify, so seeding was safer, as some of those jokers were HOT!  I then placed them in a large bowl, and lightly oiled with olive oil, and added salt.  I lined 2 sheets pans with parchment paper, tossed the peppers onto the sheet and put the sheet pans into the hot oven for roasting.  It did not take long, maybe 15-20 minutes, and this is what they looked like coming out of the oven.

Beautiful assortment!

Some for now, and freezing some for later.
I ended up with 2 large roasting pans and was able to freeze a large bag for later use.  Some are very mild and some NOT!  But all will be enjoyed....Thanks to Crystal for sharing her harvest!