Sunday, September 20, 2015

Roasted Peppers!

One of my co-workers has a garden and gave me a basket of assorted peppers from her bounty.  I knew that we would not be able to eat all of them before they would spoil and have to be tossed.  So, I decided to roast all of them and use them in all sorts of ways, like adding to our salads, tossing with meats, and even pureeing them for use as a pepper sauce for fish, chicken or beef. 

I started by cleaning and seeding most of the peppers.  There were so many varieties, some of which I could not identify, so seeding was safer, as some of those jokers were HOT!  I then placed them in a large bowl, and lightly oiled with olive oil, and added salt.  I lined 2 sheets pans with parchment paper, tossed the peppers onto the sheet and put the sheet pans into the hot oven for roasting.  It did not take long, maybe 15-20 minutes, and this is what they looked like coming out of the oven.

Beautiful assortment!

Some for now, and freezing some for later.
I ended up with 2 large roasting pans and was able to freeze a large bag for later use.  Some are very mild and some NOT!  But all will be enjoyed....Thanks to Crystal for sharing her harvest!

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