Sunday, November 8, 2015

I Hate Dusting!

Captain Man and I are looking at each other and wondering what in the heck happened to the time!!!!  It is November, and we are working our butts off trying to get the boat ready to go.  I only have 11 more days of work, woo hoo :), but we are not close to being done with the boat.  Captain Man is going every day to work on Kittywampus, and I go on Saturdays and Sundays, mostly to clean up and vacuum.  I can believe all the dust...if I did not vacuum each weekend, it would be 3 inches thick by now on everything.

sanding, which means more vacuuming

Kittywampus now has propellers!  The outside of the boat looks great.  She has new bottom paint and the black bottom looks good on her.  And today, I gave her a much needed bath.  So,  things are progressing, although not as fast as Captain Man and I would like.  But we will get there!!!!  We will!

New Props!

With new bottom paint

She is looking good from the outside!

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