Saturday, November 26, 2016

A Wonderful Thanksgiving!

It is hard to believe Thanksgiving has come and already over!  I know many of us spent hours in the kitchen, then sat down with family and friends and it was devoured in less than 30 minutes!!  What a wonderful blessing!

This year I am especially mom was sitting at the table with us, and looking very lovely I might add. A couple of weeks ago, mom had a heart attack, but she is doing very well, so we are so very thankful.  Initially, my daughter was thinking she would stay home for Thanksgiving, but then had a change of heart and surprised my parents with a visit. My mom and dad were thrilled to get to see their granddaughter, her husband and their great grandchild, my sweet Pookie.  Baby girl is growing so fast, and has stolen our hearts.  Also, my sister from Charlotte is here for a couple of days.  Any my sweetie is back!  Woo Hoo!  A Great Thanksgiving!!!

I am hoping that everyone had an equally blessed Thanksgiving day, with lots of good food on a table surrounded by the people you love.  Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Our Fixer Upper

Our Fixer Upper! Craftsman Style Cottage Bungalow

It happened!   When Captain Man and I came back from the Bahamas almost 2 years ago, we threw around the idea of buying a house.  After working on the large catamaran, we found out early, that a boat that big was a bit much for us.  We discussed it, and decided that what would probably make us happiest would be to buy a small house and a smaller boat.  So, we set about looking for just that.  

First, we needed to find out where we wanted to set down roots.  We absolutely wanted to be close to the water, and we wanted something small and manageable.  Once we decided on Washington NC, we then started looking around.  There were, and still are, plenty of lovely homes, but most were too big, or too much work, or not on the water, and so on and so on.  None really "spoke" to me, except for two smaller bungalows in the historic section.  

I know, for those of you that know me, you are probably wondering why in the world would I want to live in town, being a farmer's daughter.  I do have enough of my dad in me that I do want a small yard so I can dig in the dirt.  But, I also have my mother's love of the water.  She was born near the North Sea and spent all of her young days on the water.  And, I am a Pisces, so I feel more at home on or near the water.  

The two homes that kept speaking to me were not for sale, but were being rented.   I set out on a mission to contact the owners and was initially told "no, not for sale".  Captain Man and I were disappointed, but kept at it.  We respectfully kept in touch with the owners and told them that if they ever had a change in heart, to please call us ASAP.  

Well, after almost a year and a half, and sending prayers up above and sending good mojo toward the houses over the months of walking (the houses are on my walking path)...we finally got a surprise call from one of the owners stating she may be willing to sell.  We met her at the house and instantly upon walking inside, I feel in love with the house.  Captain Man too (I think!!!)

However, it is a fixer upper.  I was initially worried that Captain Man would say "NO WAY", as he has been working on a boat fixer upper for almost 2 years, and is tired of working every minute.  But after the home inspection, he said yes.  I was so happy!  The house backs up to the river (but is high enough!) so I will be ON THE RIVER!!!

Back yard view, the property goes to the river

It will be a while before we can move in, but I will chronicle the process.  We are so thankful and excited!!!!!  I can't wait for the renovations.  I absolutely love this place!