Saturday, November 26, 2016

A Wonderful Thanksgiving!

It is hard to believe Thanksgiving has come and already over!  I know many of us spent hours in the kitchen, then sat down with family and friends and it was devoured in less than 30 minutes!!  What a wonderful blessing!

This year I am especially mom was sitting at the table with us, and looking very lovely I might add. A couple of weeks ago, mom had a heart attack, but she is doing very well, so we are so very thankful.  Initially, my daughter was thinking she would stay home for Thanksgiving, but then had a change of heart and surprised my parents with a visit. My mom and dad were thrilled to get to see their granddaughter, her husband and their great grandchild, my sweet Pookie.  Baby girl is growing so fast, and has stolen our hearts.  Also, my sister from Charlotte is here for a couple of days.  Any my sweetie is back!  Woo Hoo!  A Great Thanksgiving!!!

I am hoping that everyone had an equally blessed Thanksgiving day, with lots of good food on a table surrounded by the people you love.  Enjoy your weekend!

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