Thursday, December 8, 2016

Sun Daze

While Captain Man was busy selling Kittywampus, he was also busy looking for smaller boat.  And he found one....Sun Daze, which is a Gemini catamaran.  While he was transitioning from the larger boat to this boat, he was in bit of a hurry to get back to NC, so he just transferred stuff to Sun Daze without sorting anything.  He tried to warn me that this boat would be dirty and cluttered.  This is what it looked like when we got to Florida on Sunday.  😟

I put on my work clothes and got myself into cleaning mode.  It has taken me a few days of scrubbing and organizing, but it looks a little better.  Still tons more to do before we take off, but now at least I am able to see what the boat looks like.  Not real fond of the striped hunter green cushions, but they are in good shape, so we will make it work.  

Both Captain Man and I have been working up a sweat, as it has been in the upper 80's and low 90's here during the day.  The pic below shows the area where Sun Daze is docked.  Beautiful!  

Yesterday, while I was on the boat, I heard splashing outside.  Rushed out to see a pod of dolphin playing in the water.  Later, our neighbor for the time being, called my attention to a manatee and her baby swimming by our boat.  I ran backed inside to grab my camera and by the time I got back on deck, she was gone.  Dang!!!  Oh well, time to get back to work...

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