Saturday, June 11, 2016

Summer Time!

Hard to believe that winter is over and spring has slipped by....June is here.   Captain Man has finally slowed down a bit working on Kittywampus, and it was a busy, busy spring for me.  I completed a Legal Nursing Course, taught a class at the local community college, and I am doing a sort of internship with a local canvas couple, while still working as a nurse part time.  Plus, I am trying to spend time with my daughter and beautiful granddaughter. 

Pretty baby girl and pretty mom!

The boat is almost done and she looks good.  We are hoping to take a long weekend very soon and sail to Ocracoke for a mini vacation.  We will work on her leisurely this summer and fall to finish up some minor stuff, but she is ready to go and to finally have some sailing fun!!

Sailing on the Pamlico!

If the summer passes by as quickly as the spring, Captain Man and I will soon be getting provisions for our Bahamas trip!  We can't has been too long!!

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