Tuesday, August 9, 2016

80th Birthday!

My sweet dad turned 80 last week, and we celebrated his birthday this weekend.  Yep, that's eighty candles being lit on his birthday cake, however by the time the last ones were lit, the first ones were melting into the frosting!  He blew them out in one breath and I am surprised the smoke alarm did not go off.  

It was great spending the day with him.  He does not do social media, so he will never see this post, but wanted to share with all how fortunate I am to have him for my father.  He still works part time as a farmer, plants a garden every spring that is large enough to feed the county, and continues to enjoy his tobacco chew, despite our warnings for him to quit.  Dad is a man of few words, instead we know what he stands for by the way he lives.   He's a good man, who has always work hard, and a man who would give you his last dollar if you needed it.  Love you Pop!

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