Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year from Indiantown, Florida

What in the world?!?  Indiantown? We were supposed to be in the Bahamas by now.  But, things happen.  And for us...well, we have engine problems.  Captain Man and I were headed down the ICW towards the inlet last Wednesday to head out to cross the gulf, and heard a weird engine noise.  We anchored and tried to troubleshoot but the captain was unable to figure out the problem.  So, he called Towboat US and we were towed to Indiantown Marina to have a very knowledgeable mechanic take a look at it.  He is stumped...and the engine has to come out.  So here we are!

Being towed by TowBoat US

Inside the lock on the Okeechobee Waterway, lock is closing

And the other side of the lock is allowing water inside

Water filling in the lock


Indiantown Marina

Don't know how long this will take, as the mechanic will hopefully let us know something today.  In the meantime, we are settling in and enjoying the town. The marina has great accommodations for cruisers.  It is within short walk of the small town, so easy access for groceries, hardware, and shopping.  While we are here, we are relaxing by reading, walking, and enjoying the company of other cruisers, and we are getting some boat chores done.

A little bit of Indiantown trivia...a small town west of Stuart, Florida that was established by the Seminole people as a trading post.  It is located on the Okeechobee Waterway, and over 60% of the population is Hispanic.  Sugar cane fields surround the area, and this is harvest time.  From October thru April, sugar cane producers burn their fields to expose the sugar filled stalks to harvest.  This leaves a smell and ash in the air that the winds carry over miles.  You can see and smell it, and I am sure it is not very good for our lungs.  Each morning, we have ash on the boat.   Keeping screens in the windows, to keep ash and mosquitoes out! 

Emmie...took this for you!  Know you love trees!

Some sort of bird of prey watching us take our walk.

We are keeping our fingers crossed that we will be on our way soon.   In the meantime, I want to wish all a Happy New Year, filled with good health, love and peace.  Enjoy!

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