Wednesday, January 11, 2017


When I first started this blog, my thoughts were to chronicle some of my adventures to share with my family and friends.  I wanted it to be a pleasant way to see and hear some of what I am blessed to experience.  Today, though, this post is different.

I have never used the word "hate" very often, as I don't hate many things.  But I do hate cancer.  I hate the fear it instills in us when we hear the word, I hate the pain and suffering it bestows on a person and their loves ones, I hate knowing that it strikes young, even babies, and old alike, I hate how once you are diagnosed, it will linger in the back of your mind, even when you have been given a clean bill of health, I hate how it can strip you of your dignity and your body.  I hate that it leaves some people struggling financially just to get the help they so desperately need, and I could go on and on about how much I hate cancer.

I don't know many people that have not been touched by cancer.     For me, I have several friends who have been diagnosed, fought and won their battle with this monster, and I also have had friends  lose their battle.   My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer many years ago, and I remember well the fear I felt when my mom told me.  I remember that fear keeping its hold on me during his many trips back and forth to the doctor, hospital, and for follow ups.  I also remember the fear I saw in my dad's face and the anxiousness he had each time he went back for check ups following his surgery, and this went on for several years before he was finally considered 'cancer free'.   My beautiful aunt lost her battle with cancer a few years ago, and I remember the feeling of hopelessness as I watched my cousins sitting at her bedside. 

And now it strikes again.  I felt knocked down when I first heard, my heart broken.  My baby brother has been diagnosed and I hate cancer even more.  My gentle giant of a brother has colon cancer.  

This post is for you... Bozo.  You are strong and I believe you will win this fight.  I am praying and I know there are many others doing the same thing.  I can't imagine what you are feeling now, but just remember... God has this.  I love you and will see you soon.

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