Saturday, June 24, 2017

Our River House Fixer Upper - Week 9

Slow house progress this week.  I was busy at my regular job and Captain Man had to work at his PRN job more than usual.  Also, I spent some time with my dear friend who was going through a rough experience, so our time spent on the house this week was limited.  

Captain Man did a bit of sheet rock mudding to repair a few cracks in the walls, plus he moved some plumbing in the kitchen.  We had to do this because as we were measuring for our cabinets, we found the spot for our kitchen sink needed to be moved over about a foot. 

So really no pictures of our work for this week.  Hopefully next week we will have more to report and share.  

A gift

I did have a pleasant surprise however.   This week our neighbor, a few houses down, left us a gift.  We walked up to the house one morning and found this box left by the front door.  It is special because this box and the stuff on top once belonged to Ms. Evelyn.  Who is Ms. Evelyn?  Well, we have never met her, but this was her home many years ago.  Our sweet neighbor is Ms. Evelyn's niece.  Her name is Paula and she has shared so many wonderful stories with us about her aunt and this house.  She also gave us a few photographs of Ms. Evelyn and her father.  It is really interesting...when I met Paula, she told me that I reminded her of her aunt.  And when I saw a picture of her, there is a striking resemblance.  Quite interesting.  The box, plate, and small tea pitcher were used by Ms. Evelyn.  So, I will make sure we keep these treasures in this house where Ms. Evelyn lived for many years.  Such a gift!   Thank you Paula!

As I look back on this week, I am reminded that we must take the time to make wonderful memories and enjoy our moments, for we know not what the next minute has to offer.  

So until next time...

please enjoy each moment!


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Our River House Fixer Upper - Week 8

Our sheet rock crew completed the new walls and they look great.  Then we looked at the older walls. When we removed the wallpaper, we noticed huge cracks and chips.  We initially thought we would be able to redo these ourselves, but after looking at our new walls and how nicely they were done, we questioned whether or not our job would look as good as the new walls.  So Captain Man called the sheet rock guy and asked if they would re-do the existing walls as well.  And they agreed, but they are doing it late afternoons, after their other scheduled jobs as they are working us in.  THANK YOU sheet rockers!

Old walls with cracks next to new walls that are smooth

They are also going to re-sheet rock the bedroom and hall room ceilings, which would have been a struggle for us, (it's heavy and I am not that strong).

Ceiling prepped for sheet rock application

The weeks are flying by...before we know it another one has passed.  Things are progressing nicely and hopefully we will be able to move in before August.  All will not be completed, but should be livable enough for us to move.   At least that is what we are hoping for.   Keeping our fingers crossed!!!

Until next time...


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Our River House Fixer Upper - Week 7

Our sheet rock workers are here and have been busy installing new walls.   This is a very messy process.  The sheet rock delivers a fine dust when being cut, plus once it is mudded, it must be sanded.  So we have a white film of this stuff EVERYWHERE.  I want to get in there every evening and vacuum the stuff away but Captain Man tells me it is wasted energy, "wait until they are finished" he tells me.   I will be so very glad when this process is finished and I can get rid of this dust.  Wearing a mask in the house is a must.  

A few days before the workers arrived, Captain Man was busy prepping the walls for the workers.  Walls had to be shimmed, holes plugged, backer cement board (for bathroom tile) installed, etc.  After several days, the new walls were in place.

Guest bathroom minus a wall

Guest bathroom with new sheet rock walls

Master bath with old walls

And the bath with new walls

Bedroom with door to living room

And the door is no longer there

Kitchen with old ceiling and no sheet rock on the back wall

New ceiling and walls

We closed and covered the AC vents at the very beginning of this endeavor to keep debris and dirt out of the vents, so the air conditioning has not been on.  It is very hot and humid. It can get stifling in the house.  All involved are consuming lots of water and sweating it out, and getting very dirty.

Sweaty and dirty Captain

Yes, we are working hard,  but things are getting done and we are pleased with the progress thus far.

So, until next time...


Saturday, June 3, 2017

Our River House Fixer Upper - Week 6

A few weeks ago, we obtained permission from the Historical Society to proceed with replacing one of the existing at the back of the house.   It was a single window and we wanted to replace it with a triple window to match the other window (match as best as we could, these are not your standard windows).    Also, there was a bit of damage in the wall and floor beams, so with the help of a good friend, the old wall was removed and new wall installed, with an opening for a new triple window.

Pic of back wall with one small window

Wall removed and temporary beams up to hold up roof

Another view of no wall

Outside view

Another view

In the picture above, you can see there is a triple window on one side, but the other side only had a single window.  We wanted to open up the back room and the larger window on the left side will allow more light and a expanded view of the river!


Ready for the new window and wall is repaired!

The window had to be ordered and is scheduled to arrive within the next few weeks, so the opening is temporarily closed waiting for the window installation.

All done for now

Also, this past week, Captain Man had someone come mow our back yard. The property is narrow, but long and extends past the railroad track to the river.  The grass was taking over, and was knee to waist high.   I cannot mow something like this.  Too afraid of swamp critters and I know this must have been a haven for them.  So thank you Mr. Lawn Guy for getting this done!

Yard finally mowed

You can see the railroad track going thru our back yard.  We eventually want the bushes on either side of the track to be removed, so that more of the river can be seen and enjoyed.  Hopefully once we stop working on the house, we will be able to walk to the river's edge and use our paddle board.  This area has a lot of paddle boarders, and they usually get together frequently during the summer for "paddle cruises".  About once a month, they have a sunset paddle cruise, which would be fun.

Sunset on the Pamlico

So, what are my jobs during this renovation...when I am not working at my regular job.  That depends on what Captain Man needs me doing.   And the chores go something like to Lowes and pick up such and such, clean this area so we can do this or that, cut this piece of lumber X amount of inches, hand me the whatchamacallit tool...oh, and what might we be having for dinner tonight? 😃😃😃😃 Yes, I am smiling.  Remember, I really wanted this house.

When there are no other assigned chores for me, I pick up the stripping gel and start to work on removing the old paint from the trim.  Remember I stated in an earlier post there is a lot of trim in this house that was painted with latex over oil based paint.  Most of which is falling off.  So, I have the pleasure of trying to get the remaining latex off.  Little by little and it is messy!  But I am hoping once completed, and repainted correctly, it will have been worth it.  

Paint stripping one of many windows

We are now waiting for sheet rock installer estimates.  I cannot wait for this to be done.  Once that is completed, we can clean up and paint and then move in time will be right around the corner!! Woo Hoo!

So far now, it's back to work.

Until next time....
