Saturday, June 10, 2017

Our River House Fixer Upper - Week 7

Our sheet rock workers are here and have been busy installing new walls.   This is a very messy process.  The sheet rock delivers a fine dust when being cut, plus once it is mudded, it must be sanded.  So we have a white film of this stuff EVERYWHERE.  I want to get in there every evening and vacuum the stuff away but Captain Man tells me it is wasted energy, "wait until they are finished" he tells me.   I will be so very glad when this process is finished and I can get rid of this dust.  Wearing a mask in the house is a must.  

A few days before the workers arrived, Captain Man was busy prepping the walls for the workers.  Walls had to be shimmed, holes plugged, backer cement board (for bathroom tile) installed, etc.  After several days, the new walls were in place.

Guest bathroom minus a wall

Guest bathroom with new sheet rock walls

Master bath with old walls

And the bath with new walls

Bedroom with door to living room

And the door is no longer there

Kitchen with old ceiling and no sheet rock on the back wall

New ceiling and walls

We closed and covered the AC vents at the very beginning of this endeavor to keep debris and dirt out of the vents, so the air conditioning has not been on.  It is very hot and humid. It can get stifling in the house.  All involved are consuming lots of water and sweating it out, and getting very dirty.

Sweaty and dirty Captain

Yes, we are working hard,  but things are getting done and we are pleased with the progress thus far.

So, until next time...


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