Saturday, June 24, 2017

Our River House Fixer Upper - Week 9

Slow house progress this week.  I was busy at my regular job and Captain Man had to work at his PRN job more than usual.  Also, I spent some time with my dear friend who was going through a rough experience, so our time spent on the house this week was limited.  

Captain Man did a bit of sheet rock mudding to repair a few cracks in the walls, plus he moved some plumbing in the kitchen.  We had to do this because as we were measuring for our cabinets, we found the spot for our kitchen sink needed to be moved over about a foot. 

So really no pictures of our work for this week.  Hopefully next week we will have more to report and share.  

A gift

I did have a pleasant surprise however.   This week our neighbor, a few houses down, left us a gift.  We walked up to the house one morning and found this box left by the front door.  It is special because this box and the stuff on top once belonged to Ms. Evelyn.  Who is Ms. Evelyn?  Well, we have never met her, but this was her home many years ago.  Our sweet neighbor is Ms. Evelyn's niece.  Her name is Paula and she has shared so many wonderful stories with us about her aunt and this house.  She also gave us a few photographs of Ms. Evelyn and her father.  It is really interesting...when I met Paula, she told me that I reminded her of her aunt.  And when I saw a picture of her, there is a striking resemblance.  Quite interesting.  The box, plate, and small tea pitcher were used by Ms. Evelyn.  So, I will make sure we keep these treasures in this house where Ms. Evelyn lived for many years.  Such a gift!   Thank you Paula!

As I look back on this week, I am reminded that we must take the time to make wonderful memories and enjoy our moments, for we know not what the next minute has to offer.  

So until next time...

please enjoy each moment!


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