Saturday, August 12, 2017

Our River House Fixer Upper - Week 16

Four months...and we are moving along.  The weather has not been very cooperative in allowing the painters to get much done.  We are hoping the upcoming week will better for outside work.  Inside...Captain Man has been working on installing the cabinets.  This house is old and nothing is straight or square, so it was a bit of a challenge to get the cabinets aligned and leveled on the walls and floor.  But he did it (with some verbal encouragement 😟) and it looks great thus far.  

Upper cabinets

Different view

Opposite side-pantry cabinet

The captain also installed our over the sink and ceiling lighting.  There were so many beautiful choices, and I had a hard time choosing.  But once installed, we are both happy with the result.  

Over the sink, and the ceiling light

Upper and lower cabinets are in!

Opposite side with pantry

It looks like a kitchen now, not a work zone.  Still much to floor, moldings, hardware, etc...but excited to have this much done.


I have been painting along.  I went to work on Tuesday in our laundry closet, but when Captain Man looked, he noted no electrical outlet for the washer 😕   The outlet for the dryer is there, and the plumbing for the washer is there...but where is the washer electrical outlet?  So our electrician had to come back and install the outlet.  

Electrical outlet added

Painting in the hallway

More painting

And more painting

Yep,  I am riddled with paint specks that refuse to come off despite soap water scrubbing.  It is in my hair, and on my exposed skin areas.  I need to wear readers to see up close and all of these are speckled with paint.  My new perfume is Valspar.  But it is amazing to see the huge difference once each room has been painted. 

Another busy week for us.  We did take a few hours off this week.  I spent a wonderful afternoon with my two favorite girls, my daughter and granddaughter.  They came for a visit on Thursday and we had lunch and spent a few hours strolling around town.  Then last night, Captain Man and I had dinner with our great friends at Cinnamon's...a fantastic Indian restaurant.  It was a wonderfully relaxing evening. is time to get back into work we are off to do exactly that.

Until next time...


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