Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Apple Butter

Monday is Christmas and I am not ready.  I only have one day off this week,  and it was today.  So I spent the better part of the afternoon making apple butter to use as a small homemade gift.  After shopping this morning, I gathered my supplies and proceeded to get started on making the delicious apple butter.  

First I sliced 5 pounds of apples.  I used Gala apples today.  I sliced and placed them in my crock pot,  then added one cup of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt.  

I then placed the lid on the pot and set it for high, and left it alone for about 2 hours.  It was after the first 2 hours that I started to stir the apples about every 20 minutes.  After about 4 hours total, I felt it was time to turn off the heat.  I allowed the apple mixture to cool a bit before I went at it with the immersion blender.  

After getting most of the lumps out, I ladled the butter into 4 oz. jelly jars and capped them off.

I now have 12 jars of yummy apple butter goodness to hand out as gifts for the next couple of days.  The butter is great on biscuits, toast or home made bread or muffins.  We like to add it over pancakes, or ice-cream!

Just need to add a bit of ribbon and a tag.  


Until next time...


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