Sunday, December 31, 2017

Year's Review

Captain Man and I started off this year in Florida.  It's been a year since we were towed to Indiantown in SunDaze.  

We spent several weeks (or was it months) stuck there, but visited many of their parks.


We enjoyed a visit with our nephew from Germany, and took a few short road trips while he was with us.

Our plans were changed several times, but we finally made it to the Bahamas.

It was a very short stay there, then we were back in the States.  Heading home.

Home during the spring is the best!  

Then it was time to get to work.  Our home needed a major re-do.

And work on the house is pretty much all we did during the summer and into the fall.  

An occasional day off with friends and family did happen, and was so much fun and needed.   

And of course we ate quite well.

We slowed down quite a bit, and enjoyed the holidays.  It was good to be home for Christmas and spend time with our family.  

2017 was a great year.  There were some rough spots but all in all...a very good year.  We are healthy, happy and safe and enjoyed some wonderful times that have given us wonderful memories.  

I hope yours was wonderful as well.  And I hope that 2018 brings us many more beautiful joys to experience.

Until next year!!!


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