Thursday, May 17, 2018

Stress Relief Needed

Some days are simply better than others.  Today is one of those antsy, anxious, and nervous type of days...why?  Just because I feel as if I have so much to do with so little time.  As I am currently working full time it has become a challenge to finish everything on our house, the yard needs attention, my daughter is expecting my second granddaughter, there are personal projects I want to complete, family concerns regarding aging parents, and the list goes on and on.  You know, the typical working wife, mother, grandmother, caregiver, daughter, woman, etc. kinds of chores.  Just a lot on our plates, right?

So this morning...while checking email and paying bills, I browsed through some of our pics (nope...don't have time for browsing 😢) but picked a few to keep the images in my head today as I go about my busy day.  Today is the last day of my "weekend" as I have to work Friday and Saturday.  So the rush is on to get my to do list checked off TODAY.  

Anyway...thought I would share some stress relief pictures to help all those with 'To Do' lists.  Think of these as you go about your busy day.

Until next time...


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