Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day!

A while back, I shared that my mother gave me several doilies she made for me.  If you look back on the blog, I took one of the doilies and glued it to a wine bottle I kept. I have a few more, so since I had a few minutes of time to myself today, I decided to take another one of the doilies and transform it to something I will most likely use.

I have been wanting a small tray to place atop of my dresser.  Something to toss my daily jewelry onto when I am too lazy to open the top drawer and place the jewelry where it belongs...I know you have those kind of days😉.

See, I need a small collection tray on top

I found this old picture at a thrift store, for a buck.  I got it for the frame.  First I took it apart.

I then placed the doily directly over the print, the colors worked for me so I just left the print under the doily.  That and the fact it was a lazy kind of day for me.

I added a bit of left over lace and ribbon.


No glue or tape needed.  Next, just place the glass over top and it was placed back inside the frame. 

I decided to paint the frame after I got the doily done.  I should have painted the frame first, but oh well....

Once dried, I added some pretty paper on the back to give it a finished look, and then added wooden knobs to lift the tray up from the surface of my dresser.

And after I added the knobs, I decided I did not like them so, I took them off.

I added these instead.

And this is how it turned out.

with the knobs

without the knobs

Now I have a functional small tray for my dresser, and every time I place something into the tray, I see my mom's pretty doily inside.  It makes me smile.
I like it. 

Until next time...

Enjoy and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the wonderful moms out there!

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