Monday, February 25, 2019

Under the Sea

Most of our days here are spent in the water.  The Captain is a spear fisherman, but I am content floating along looking at the life under the sea.  Not a lot of writing in this post, just a few pics of what we see once we are in the crystal clear waters of the Exumas.

Coral Head

Speared lion fish

The lion fish is reported as a destructive menace here.  I have read that the lion fish can devastate up to 80% of fish in a coral reef in less than 6 weeks.  Their stomachs can increase 30 times its normal size, and they have no known predators here.  So while I am not a spear fisher, I do point them out to the Captain whenever I see one, so that we can help the coral reef in getting rid of a few.

Green sea turtle

Me looking down

A beautiful example of living coral

Me trying to catch up to the sea turtle

Sargeant Majors wanting some free food from us

Me trying to "pet" the fish

sting ray trying to bury himself in the sand

And a beautiful Eagle Ray as we were heading back to SunDaze

Just a peek at some of the lovely sites we see while swimming around.

Until next time...


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