Friday, March 22, 2019

Laundry Day in the Exumas

View from the laundry mat

Once again, we are in the small community of Black Point.  One of the many reasons we frequent this lovely place is the fact they have the best laundry facilities around.  No rusty water here and the machines are well taken care of.  Plus, look at the view... nice to look at this while folding up freshly cleaned laundry!


Sun Daze waiting for us to get back with clean laundry

Laundry day is something we have to plan to do while staying here.  No washer or dryer on the boat, so we need to be at a place where there are facilities.  Not many in the Exumas, so when we are in this area, we like to do our laundry here in Black Point.   We gather our laundry, place in a bag or two, that can be easily carried from the boat, to the dinghy and then to the the laundry mat.   Then once there, climb out of the dinghy, with the laundry, onto the dock, walk to the facility, which is not far in this case.  Laundry mats here take tokens, not quarters.  If you don't already have tokens, you must seek out the person that has the tokens.  Ida is usually close by, but we have had to walk to several different locations to obtain tokens.  She may be off the island and left tokens to someone else.  Of course, you don't know this ahead of time, so you must seek to find who may have them.  But then...we are on island time...a bit of walking here and there is no problem. 

dock at the laundry mat

Walking around the community

We have several loads to do while here, so it takes most of the morning or afternoon.  Most of the time, we try to get to the laundry mat early, to beat the other boaters.  That way we don't have to wait for machines.  So we relax while the laundry is doing its thing.  Sometimes sitting in the shade with ice cream if we can find any at the local store.  

View from Sunset Bar

After ice cream, we will walk to the other side of the island, which is the ocean side.  Then back to the sound side for a stop at Sunset Bar for a chat with Poppy.

ocean side

View from Sunset Bar

What are these?  See them here, but don't know what they are called

Once our laundry is cleaned, dried and folded...we carefully place it in our bags and return back to the boat, via the dinghy...

...have to climbed off the dock, back into the dinghy and slowly motor back to boat without getting cleaned laundry wet or salty.  Then put it all away and head back to town for more fun!

We try to get on land as much as we can to interact with the locals and to get much needed exercise.  Then back to the boat for dinner, if not done in town, and watch another beautiful sunset.   A little reading, then off to bed in nice, clean sheets!!!

Until next time...


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