Sunday, August 23, 2015

Boat Update

Hard to believe that the summer will be over in a few weeks.  Time is passing quickly and Captain Man is starting to freak out a bit.  Our goal is to have the boat ready to leave as soon as our granddaughter is born (yep...we are going to be grandparents!).  Expected due date is November 28th, so we are planning to leave shortly after the baby is born.  

Most cruisers start heading south around the middle of October, but we usually leave around the first of December because of family and the holidays.  The last few years of cruising, we got as far as Florida, then rented a car and drove back to NC for Christmas, then drove back to Florida to catch the next weather window to cross the Gulf Stream.   Whew!!!!  We were worn out and stressed from all the driving and getting family visits coordinated.   This year we are going to do our family "holiday" early, await the baby's arrival, and then head south without coming back for Christmas.  We are hoping to spend a quiet, peaceful Christmas, just the two of us somewhere in the Bahamas.  

But, the boat is far from being ready.  Captain Man is stressing.   Almost all of his waking moments are spent working on the boat or thinking about the long list of things yet to be done.  With September approaching quickly, it leaves us with 3 months in which to get Kittywampus ready.  But we won't mention there's only 3 months left to Captain Man!

Wonder how many times he has to go up and down those steps each day.....

This will eventually be a settee across from the helm seat.  Almost done.

Helm station...almost done

Settee area where we hope to be lounging around sometime in the near future

Still a lot to do, but am confident Kittywampus will be ready by December.  I know the captain will be ready to stop working on her and start enjoying her.  Can't wait!

Mimosa Time!!!

This week has been especially hectic, but thank's the weekend!!!!   One of our favorite things to do is to make mimosas and just sit back and enjoy the view while sipping on my favorite cocktail.  My captain says that no matter how you feel, just have a mimosa and it will put a smile on your face!  And it usually does. 

Captain Man likes his in one of our crystal wine glasses, while I prefer mine in one of our Waldhaus glasses.  We bought these during our visit to Germany a couple of years ago.  Captain Man's favorite beer is Waldhaus, which is not available here in the States, (at least we haven't been to find it).  We toured the small Waldhaus brewery and purchased 6 of these great "beer mugs" to bring back, but only 4 managed to make it intact during the flight back to the States.   

I'm not much of a beer drinker, but I do enjoy them for my mimosa cocktail.

So, being it's Saturday, and we are finished with chores..... now it's time to smile!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2015


When I was introduced to cruising by my significant other, I found out rather early on that I would need a hobby.  All of my life had been spent with too much to get done and not enough time to do it.  While we are busy while cruising, with lots of exploring, sightseeing, eating and just plain enjoying our relaxed lifestyle, I did find myself feeling idle from time to time.  So, I started dabbling in interests that I never had time to dabble in before.  Baking bread was one, and the other...making jewelry.

I started researching and playing around with different techniques and styles, and found that I enjoyed wire working the most.  Working the wire and creating pieces from different metal is rewarding and fun.  And I can use them for myself and as gifts for my friends and family.

From time to time, I will post some of my work on this blog, as I have had some request to show some pieces.  Please feel free to post comments as I would welcome the feedback.

Hammered Sterling Silver with glass turquoise bead

Hammered Sterling Silver Swirl with Semi-precious stone dangle

Free formed Sterling Silver Dangle with glass bead

Copper wire Necklace with glass beads

Sterling Silver bracelet with onyx beads

I hand make all the findings in my jewelry.  Each jump ring, connector, clasps, ear wires, etc. are hand made and hammered.  Hammering is a good way to let out frustrations!!  Not that I am frustrated while I am cruising!  Quite the opposite!  Maybe I need to come home from work and make some jewelry....


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Morning verses Afternoon Walking

We have been working way too hard the past months, and the summer is going by at lightning speed.  Always so much to do, and not enough time...and so my exercise routines are getting skipped or I am having to get up earlier to incorporate the exercise into my day.  Now, being as I already have to get up before chickens and roosters do, I don't much like doing this.  So sometimes I will have put if off until I get home in the late afternoon.  However, if I do this, I must make myself do it as soon as I arrive home, not even stopping to go inside, but instead, start walking as soon as I get out of the car.  If I go inside first, well....the exercise just doesn't get done.  

It's always hard to start my walk, because I'm either already tired from working all day or I am rushing to get off to work in the morning.  But once I start walking, I'm good.  It gives me time to relax and just enjoy my surroundings.  I walk along the boardwalk, which follows the river's edge. Here are a few pics from my morning and evening walks so far this summer.  

Never get tired of looking at a beautiful sunset


A goose grooming itself....hard to see it as it is camouflaged against the rocks

One of MANY turtles in this area.

Don't know what types of fish are down there, but this particular morning there were having a party with the turtles.