Sunday, August 2, 2015

Morning verses Afternoon Walking

We have been working way too hard the past months, and the summer is going by at lightning speed.  Always so much to do, and not enough time...and so my exercise routines are getting skipped or I am having to get up earlier to incorporate the exercise into my day.  Now, being as I already have to get up before chickens and roosters do, I don't much like doing this.  So sometimes I will have put if off until I get home in the late afternoon.  However, if I do this, I must make myself do it as soon as I arrive home, not even stopping to go inside, but instead, start walking as soon as I get out of the car.  If I go inside first, well....the exercise just doesn't get done.  

It's always hard to start my walk, because I'm either already tired from working all day or I am rushing to get off to work in the morning.  But once I start walking, I'm good.  It gives me time to relax and just enjoy my surroundings.  I walk along the boardwalk, which follows the river's edge. Here are a few pics from my morning and evening walks so far this summer.  

Never get tired of looking at a beautiful sunset


A goose grooming itself....hard to see it as it is camouflaged against the rocks

One of MANY turtles in this area.

Don't know what types of fish are down there, but this particular morning there were having a party with the turtles.

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