Sunday, December 31, 2017

Year's Review

Captain Man and I started off this year in Florida.  It's been a year since we were towed to Indiantown in SunDaze.  

We spent several weeks (or was it months) stuck there, but visited many of their parks.


We enjoyed a visit with our nephew from Germany, and took a few short road trips while he was with us.

Our plans were changed several times, but we finally made it to the Bahamas.

It was a very short stay there, then we were back in the States.  Heading home.

Home during the spring is the best!  

Then it was time to get to work.  Our home needed a major re-do.

And work on the house is pretty much all we did during the summer and into the fall.  

An occasional day off with friends and family did happen, and was so much fun and needed.   

And of course we ate quite well.

We slowed down quite a bit, and enjoyed the holidays.  It was good to be home for Christmas and spend time with our family.  

2017 was a great year.  There were some rough spots but all in all...a very good year.  We are healthy, happy and safe and enjoyed some wonderful times that have given us wonderful memories.  

I hope yours was wonderful as well.  And I hope that 2018 brings us many more beautiful joys to experience.

Until next year!!!


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

A Quiet Winter's Night

Looked out of our kitchen window tonight and was struck with this view.  Breathtaking.

Had to grab the camera and head out the back door for a couple of pics.  It is cold but absolutely beautiful.  The river is oily slick and the night is quiet, a wonderful respite from the previous days of hustle and bustle.  

No photo shop need to.  Simply lovely as is.  

Hoping your evening is filled with such wonder and joy!


Jewelry Hodge Podge

It's the day after Christmas and I don't have to work today, so I am relaxing!  All our family stuff is done, and I am sitting back today doing pretty much nothing except eating left overs, reading, napping, and going thru some my portable jewelry making container.  And I found these.  Some pieces that I made a while back.

Lavender Whimsy Choker

Seed Bead Galore long necklace

Holiday Cheery Mini Ornaments

Circles Abound Bracelet

Shelly's Bauble Bracelet

Adorned Suede Bracelets

I forgot I had these tucked in that box.  I was just going to organize my jewelry making box, but now I want to start on some new projects.

Hope everyone had a beautiful Christmas!!!

Until next time, 


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Our New Console Table

After 6 weeks, we have our new console table in the house.  It was made by a craftsman who builds furniture from reclaimed wood from old barns.  I saw his work in a shop and wanted a smaller one.  The owner of the shop explained the builder could make it to my specifications, so I gave him the size I wanted and off to work he went.  

And it is gorgeous.  The wood has worm holes, dings, etc., and is finished to a smooth finish without taking away from the worn character of the planks.  So lovely and we are pleased.


It looks great in our hallway.  Right now it is adorned with holiday plants.  Such a lovely piece in our sweet little home.

Until next time...


Apple Butter

Monday is Christmas and I am not ready.  I only have one day off this week,  and it was today.  So I spent the better part of the afternoon making apple butter to use as a small homemade gift.  After shopping this morning, I gathered my supplies and proceeded to get started on making the delicious apple butter.  

First I sliced 5 pounds of apples.  I used Gala apples today.  I sliced and placed them in my crock pot,  then added one cup of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt.  

I then placed the lid on the pot and set it for high, and left it alone for about 2 hours.  It was after the first 2 hours that I started to stir the apples about every 20 minutes.  After about 4 hours total, I felt it was time to turn off the heat.  I allowed the apple mixture to cool a bit before I went at it with the immersion blender.  

After getting most of the lumps out, I ladled the butter into 4 oz. jelly jars and capped them off.

I now have 12 jars of yummy apple butter goodness to hand out as gifts for the next couple of days.  The butter is great on biscuits, toast or home made bread or muffins.  We like to add it over pancakes, or ice-cream!

Just need to add a bit of ribbon and a tag.  


Until next time...


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Holidays Approaching

How can it be that Christmas is less than 2 weeks away?  Our city is lit up with holiday lights and decorations, houses are adorned with wreaths, bows, and candles in the windows.  Even the boats tied to the docks are trimmed with Santas and blinking lights.  

As for us, we have slowed down to a snail's pace with the house redo.  Too much other stuff to do.  Baking, shopping, partying...doesn't leave much time for renovation work.  

But that's okay.  It's Christmas time.  We need the break, and want to enjoy our holiday being with family and friends.  

So off to baking, shopping and partying!

Until next time...

ENJOY the holidays!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Making Soap

I had a few hours to myself, a rarity these days, and I decided to try to make soap.  I want to give a "little something" to my friends during the holidays, but don't want to buy junk that will probably end up sitting on a shelf or re-gifted.  I make jewelry when I have time, but that does take more than a couple of hours.  So I did a little research and I thought soap making would be something I could tackle.  

After a few hours, this is the final result.  Not too bad.  


Here's my goat milk, honey oatmeal soap...all natural ingredients.  Next time I think I will add some tea tree oil for a hint of scent.  I was pleased with the end result. 

I gave some to my sister and daughter.  I want them to try and then give me a honest review of the soap.  Both have sensitive skin, so I am hoping this soap is gentle enough that they are able to use without problems.  

Not too bad for a afternoon of just relaxing in my new kitchen!

Until next time...
