Sunday, April 16, 2017

Back Home

Over 800 nautical miles in less than two and a half weeks from leaving Black Point, Exumas....we are back home.  After we left St. Augustine, we went off shore and made it to Charleston, SC just before the weather deteriorated.  We spent a few days there waiting on a good weather window to head back out.  While in Charleston, we enjoyed a visit with our dear friends, went for a much needed grocery run, caught up on laundry and Captain Man fixed a few minor repairs on the boat.   A few days later, we were ready to move on and the weather was cooperative.   

Charleston's United States Custom House   


A huge 3-masted schooner at the Charleston City Marina

Part of Charleston Harbor

About 28 hours later, we headed in to Beaufort Inlet in NC!!! and I was one happy gal.  We were exhausted and ready for a good night sleep, so we anchored out of the ICW and got much needed rest before starting for Oriental.  We decided since we were nearing the end of this trip, why not spend one night in Oriental before docking the boat at home.  So we tied up to the free dock and enjoyed ice cream from the coffee shop, and later a great meal at M&M's.  

The channel entrance to Oriental

Shrimp trawlers at dock

Close to the marina and free docks

Next morning we had our coffee en route to Washington.  It is only about 8-10 hours from Oriental via Sun Daze.  It started off calm and a few hours later we were able to put up the head sail and motor sail the rest of the way.  It was a beautiful day to come home.  We sailed by our house on the way to the docks and I was excited to get off the boat and check on the house.  

I see home!

I see our house!

Getting ready to pass thru the railroad bridge

This trip was a bit different, in that we incurred some setbacks with the engine adventure, but it was another great experience and we had a fabulous time.  It always amazes me how quickly the time flies during our trips, it seems like no time at all we were preparing to head out for this trip and now it is over.  But we are blessed to have been able to go and to come back safely.   

And so here we are....time to get back into work mode!!!

Until next time...




  1. What is the name of the 3 master schooner in Charleston. I'm a curious land lumber across the Ashley, but cannot read the name.

  2. Sorry, but I cannot remember her name. I tried to see if I had the name on some other pics I took, but unfortunately I do not.
