Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Time to Head Back Home!

After being in the Exumas less than 2 weeks, it is time to head back to the states.  Time flew by and it was a blast but we have jobs and chores to get back to in NC.  So... we said our good byes and left Farmer's Cay to head north.

Time to say good bye

We got as far as Nassau and spent the evening in Rose Island anchorage.   The weather was conducive for off shore, so Captain Man upped anchor and we left Nassau headed for Grand Bahama.  We got as far as Slaughter Harbor in the Berry Islands and anchored there for the evening in the most serene of areas between two islands.   There we enjoyed the sunset then to bed for some rest.


This is what Captain Man refers to as "oily slick"

Hard to discern the sky from water

At midnight, the captain had us heading for Lucaya, Grand Bahama to top off our fuel, and head across the Gulf Stream.  I can tell you I am not much of a off-shore girl.  I prefer calm waters with land in sight, but this crossing was gentle and almost "oily slick".

Twenty six hours later and we headed into Ponce de Leon Inlet, where we cleared  US Customs and had our phones turned back on.  

Off to St. Augustine, Florida!!!



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