Saturday, April 29, 2017

Our River House Fixer Upper-Week 1

Our cruising has ended for this year 😢.  Now it is time to get to work, and so I will probably start my "real job" around the first of May.  But it also means Captain Man and I need to start on our other job.  Our river fixer upper.  We bought the house last fall and knew we would have to jump in and get to work as soon as we returned from our trip.  Lots to be done... but it is a work of love for me.  I am simply crazy about this house.  

Our little home

The house was built in the 1930's by the railroad company and is craftsman in style.  Cute as a button!!!! But needs lots of TLC!  So, when we got back, we immediately went to work. First on the list...getting rid of the wallpaper.  While it must have been "the stuff" in the 30's, it has to go for us.  The process is messy and takes a long time.  We purchased a steamer and went at it.  After a few days, all the wall paper was removed.  

Prepping for stripping 

After about an hour (just on the wall with windows)

Almost done with that wall!

The second room without wallpaper

Captain Man had to help me with the stairs...I'm afraid of heights

Back room with wallpaper

And now without!

We had three rooms with wallpaper to remove.  It took us most of the week to get it off.  But it's done...woo hoo!!!  We can now check that off our list.  One chore down,  a million more to go!

Until next time...

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