Sunday, February 11, 2018

My "Hide the Electrical Panel" Project

Our electrical panel is located in the kitchen and was very visible and unattractive.  During our renovations, I kept thinking we were going to have to find some way to disguise the panel without compromising quick accessibility.

I wanted a chalk board in our kitchen and thought that space would be a good place to hang a chalk board and cover the electrical panel too.  I had an old painting so I went to work.  First, I removed the old painting from the frame.

Then I cleaned and painted the frame.  

Next, I got the captain to cut my chalk board to fit the frame and he epoxied it in place.

Then the captain built a frame and cover to go over the electrical panel. I painted it the same as our wall color to blend in and make it less noticeable.  The captain used extra strong magnets to hold the cover in place.  Once the paint dried, he then screwed the chalkboard onto the cover and....

...the electrical panel is covered with our handmade chalk board.  If we need to get to the electrical panel, all we have to do is hold both sides of the frame and pull slightly to remove the whole panel and there it is.   Easy...peasy... 

I drew some hearts on the board to let my captain know how much I appreciate his handyman efforts.  And it is Valentine's Week!

Until next time...


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