Sunday, November 26, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with great food, lots of love from family and friends and good health.  This year I was able to share the holiday (after getting off from work) with my family.  My sister came down on Thanksgiving Day.  And my brother and his wife joined us also at my parents house.  My daughter and her family came along later in the day.  Captain Man and my son were already at mom's helping her with the prepping and cooking.  As I sat around the table, I was filled with such parents still with us, my brother getting the "all clear" after a year of fighting colon cancer, my precious granddaughter smiling at me across the table, a man who loves and takes care of me sitting beside me, my sister making me laugh 'til I cried, my children happy and healthy and sharing this holiday with my was truly a day of happiness and thanksgiving.  

No pictures with this post...just a few words of thankfulness for my life and the wonderful people I love who make it so special for me.  I am truly blessed.  

Until next time...

Enjoy your blessings!


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