Saturday, November 11, 2017

Our River House Fixer Upper - Week 29

When I sold my house in Mt. Gould about 13 years ago, I got rid of a lot of stuff.  It was amazing to realize how much I had accumulated over the years.  Before I moved out of the house, the kids came over and took what they wanted.  The rest went to the new homeowners.   The only pieces I kept were the ones that meant something to me.  This bookcase is one of those pieces.  

My dad made that bookcase for me about 30 years ago.  It is a huge monstrosity, over 7 feet tall and about 3 and a half feet wide.  It was made with some leftover boards from another project.  My dad is not a carpenter and did not have professional woodworking tools or skills,  but he made this bookcase with love, so therefore, I could not part with it.  I kept it at my parents house and now that we have a house, I wanted to bring it home.  

My original thought was to place it in our dining area but after the kitchen/dining area was done, it just did not seem to work for me.  The captain was gracious in allowing me to figure out where to place this huge piece, as I know he was thinking "why are we putting that thing in this house" although he never said a thing.  

After giving it some thought, I decided I wanted it in the guestroom.  The would not fit the stairs.  TOO BIG!  Not enough room to make the turn, would not fit through bedroom door and too tall for the hallway ceiling.  I was disappointed.  But my captain solved the problem.  He cut the bookcase in half, carried both pieces upstairs and used Bondo to put it back together (he always comes to my rescue!)

My plan from the beginning was to paint the piece, as I did not want the "varnished" look.  So by cutting it in half, then putting back together...painting it would hide the repair.  

And this is how it turned out...

I LOVE it!  It will allow us to store our books (some still in storage) and add books (to read when we have time 😑).  You can see how big it is, the door is over 6 feet tall.  The color is Espresso, and I am so pleased with the way it turned out.  And it looks like it was made for that room.   I never would have thought to cut it up and put in back together again.  Thank you Captain Man!  Now my dad's bookcase will be used and loved in a brand new way!

Until next time...


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