Thursday, November 1, 2018

Italy - Day 10 - Part 2, Da Vinci Museum

replica of the famous Mona Lisa

After our wonderful experience at St. Peter's Square, we strolled along the beautiful streets of Rome, just soaking in the wonder of this place.   After a short walk, we stumbled across Leonardi Da Vinci's Museum.  We opted to get a peek inside.  Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci - artist, inventor, sculptor, architect and scientific student.  

Madonna of the Carnation


The Baptism of Christ


Did da Vinci invent the bicycle?

The Last Supper

Of course, all the paintings in this museum are life size replicas, but still awesome to view.  The Last Supper is 15 feet by 29 feet!  Took da Vinci three years to complete.  Amazing.

We lingered in the museum taking in the paintings and inventions.  Then afterwards,  turned back to the streets of Rome.  Such a beautiful city.  I made up my mind...I must come back to stay longer.

Once again, we opted to walk back to the Trastevere district for dinner.  Our choice for this evening was the vegetable lasagna.   

Vino and lasagna

More walking after dinner, and then more vino from the Lazio region.  All of the wines here were remarkable.  And no headaches!

We wandered the streets a little longer this evening, then headed back to our hotel.  We tried to linger as long as we could, our days here coming to a close.  Only one more day..😢

Until next time...


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