Thursday, November 1, 2018

Italy - Day 10 Part I - The Vatican City and Our Surprise Blessing from the Pope

Guarding St. Peter's Square

What a day!  What was to happen was not on our itinerary.  While we wanted to go to the Vatican City, we did not plan for a specific time to do so.  We just kind of thought if we had the time, we would go.  And this morning, my sweetie decided we should go.  We ate breakfast, and started walking in that direction.  Of course, as with all of Italy, I was captivated by the art, architecture and culture on display. 

Ponte Sant' Angelo

Entering the Square

Old bridges with angels watching over you

The Tiber River

End of the Square

I wanted to stop and read about each piece but you would have to stay here at least a month, or more!


Once we got close to St. Peter's Square, we noticed a lot of security and many areas roped off.  Not having been here before, we thought this was just business as usual.

St Peter's Basilica

We also noted large screen monitors placed in several places around the square. Could it be?!?!?


Note the large screened monitor

Due to the timing and urging of my better half, we happened to get to St. Peter's Square around 11:40am.  We wanted to get inside so we had to go through a security line that took about 15 minutes to muddle through.

Inside the Square

We got inside just a few minutes before noon. We noted everyone turning in a certain direction.  So we did the same. 

What is getting ready to happen

And what to our wondering eyes should appear?  Pope Francis peering out of his study window.  He spoke and opened with a prayer...The "Angelus" prayer on All Saints Day.  Being away from the states, we forgot about Halloween.  Today was the day after Halloween and the Pope offers a blessing on All Saints Day. And we were here to hear it!!! He read from a passage in Revelations.  While I could only understand a few words while he was speaking, I felt such a blessing come over me.  I felt this was truly meant for us to be there at this particle time, not planned but just there at the precise moment he comes out of his study to give us an invitation to follow the way of the Beatitudes.  I was humbled and felt as if I was blessed beyond measure.  I silently thanked God for allowing me to be in such a special place and where I am at this point in my life.  So touched and thankful, there were no words for the feeling.  


Pope Francis at the window of his study

Once he started speaking, I put my phone away.  No more pics for me...I had to listen to see if I could pick up bits and pieces of his words.  Of course, once I got back to our room later that evening I had to look up what was said.  His speech is posted on you tube, if you should choose to check it out.  I was so thrilled to have been there at that precise moment.

Well, after that...we just looked at each other and said "how can we top that?".  We left feeling beside ourselves and with huge smiles on our faces, thinking how blessed and lucky we were.

Until next time...


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