Saturday, November 3, 2018

Lay Over in Paris!!!

Eiffel Tower

Sometimes things not planned can be a good thing!  We left Rome early...our flight was 6am.  We were to catch another flight in Paris at 10am.  We checked our connection and found it was delayed until  12 noon.  Then 3pm, then  6pm.  By that time, my daughter was telling me...don't get on that plane!!!  We spent the whole day in the airport waiting for some sort of decompression problem to get resolved.  By that time, I was a little apprehensive as well. 

waiting for all clear to get on plane

still waiting for all clear

Finally, we are told we can board...that was around 6pm.  Once seated, we waited some more.  By 7:30pm, we were still in the plane.  My daughter was then say to me "DON'T GET ON THAT PLANE".

waiting almost 2 hours on the plane

Around 8pm, the pilot informed us that we would need to get off the plane and would be staying in Paris for the night.  Whew...made me feel better.  We were sent to a hotel and told that the next available flight would be the next day at 8pm.  So, we were stuck in Paris for the next day.  We decided to Uber into town and see a little bit of Paris.


We walked along the Seine River and along the Champs Elysees.  

Seine River

Beautiful canal boats

Arch de Triumphe

Champs-Elylsees is known for its theaters, cafes, and luxury shops.  Thought I might have to bring my granddaughters here one day. 😊

It was a cold so we stopped for something to eat and something warm to drink.

My lunch...shepherd's pie ... not French but warm and hearty

Everyone opted for dessert and this was my treat.  It was so good!  I shared a bite with everyone and thought, I need another.  So I ordered another one.  I think that's the only time in my life that I have ordered two desserts in one sitting!


Strawberry cream filled pastry...was divine!

Pastry shoppe next door to restaurant


Time to get back to the airport and hopefully get on the plane for home!

And the flight went without any issues.  Got home a day late, but what a unexpected treat!  We will have to make plans to return for a longer stay in Paris.

Until next time...


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