Friday, November 2, 2018

Italy - Day 11 - Our Last Day - Rome

The Colosseum - HUGE!

Our last full day in this magical place.  After our usual breakfast of wonderful coffee, fruit, and pastries, we took off.  Today we wanted to visit the Colosseum, AKA the Flavian Amphitheatre.  As we approached the famous structure, we were struck by its massive size.  Although according to data, almost 2/3 of the amphitheatre has been destroyed, it is still one of the main attractions of Italy.  

Just one side of the Colosseum

another side

The Colosseum was commissioned around A.D. 70-72 by Emperor Vespasian as a gift to the people.  It opened in A.D. 80 with 100 days of "games"...gladiator combats and wild animal hunts, and executions.   I read somewhere that over 2000 gladiators were killed during the 100 opening days! The Colosseum remained active for over 500 years, but natural and man made disasters took its toll.  Earthquakes, floods and even bombings from WWII destroyed much of the amphitheatre.    Today it is visited by millions of people each year.

Arch of Constantine

Arch of Constantine

Arco di Constantino

Up close carvings on the Arch

While you could spend all day walking around the ruins, we had more to see and more to eat on this our last day.   We started off toward the district of Testaccio.  Once again, it was the food that sent us in that direction.  True Roman cuisine is the trademark of Testaccio.  

On our way, we stumbled into a small piazza, with this church in the square.  


San Pado Della Croce

By Rome standards, it looked unadorned from the outside.  But once inside....on my!

Inside San Pado della Croce

My sweetie keeps referring to this church as the church of chandeliers.  I think he stopped counting at 32.

Becky staring in amazement

Absolutely beautiful

The churches are amazing...the art, sculptures, marble tiles...can go on and on. Can't imagine the cost of this in its day.  Or now...priceless.

I did not get any more pictures after leaving the church.  We walked into Testaccio and absorbed the sights and sounds, had our last dinner in Italy in a wonderful Italian restaurants whose owner was a elderly Roman who spoke little with his mouth but volumes with his eyes.  He was proud of his heritage and the food he presented.  The food was amazing.

As we were heading back to our hotel, I was saddened by the fact that early the next day we would be leaving.  Our stay here was dream come true.  Each day in this country was beyond words.  I said when I started this adventure that I loved this country.  As our time here was ending...I can say that I truly love, love this place. Historical richness, majestic landscape, beautiful people, captivating language, and food...delizioso!!!

Arrivederci  Italy...I leave a little piece of my heart with you.

Until next time...


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