Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Italy - Day 9 - Back to Rome

Mt. Vesuvius

It was hard to believe, but time came for us to return to Rome. But not without another quick shopping trip in Piazza Tasso.   Becky and I left the guys and did a whirlwind shopping spree.  Many craftsmen in their little shoppes working away skillfully in time lost art.  We met one such craftsman along with his son.  They are artisans skilled in intarsia... inlaid woodwork.  This craft is over 500 years old and can only be done by highly trained artisans.  Augusto and Luca are such artisans.  Augusto is third generation, and his son Luca is fourth generation who are masters of this art.  The wood is hand cut with small blades, then inserted and placed together on the same level, with wood pieces that are no thicker than 6 millimeters.  Beautiful work.  

My beautiful treasure made by Augusto

Augusto and his son, Luca

We spent a long time lingering over the lovely pieces.  Many thanks to these artist who are keeping their craft alive.

We were being beckoned by our guys to get going and it was time to leave.  We left Sorrento with regret...our time here was not long enough.  

We left Sorrento with regret...our time here was not long enough.  But we needed to return the rental car and we were approaching our last few days in this beautiful country.  

Heading back to Rome with Mt. Vesuvius in the background

the road trip back with more beautiful views

It was hard to stop taking pictures

Beautiful villas along the cliff overlooking the sea

Another lovely village

The distance from Sorrento to Rome is approximately 265 kilometers.  We wanted to return the rental car, and not use the car in Rome.  Marcus was done with the driving and we were happy to oblige.  He was a trooper and we were thankful for his driving.  The rental was returned at the airport and we had a most eventful cab ride back into the Eternal City.  It was quite an adventure.  Apparently cabbies have the right to drive on train and rail tracks if the streets are congested.  We held on tight and hoped for the best during this ride, and made it safely to our hotel.   

Becky and I collapsed once we got out of the cab

 Another lovely meal and we were ready to call it a day.  Tomorrow awaits.

Until next time...


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