Saturday, September 2, 2017

Our River House Fixer Upper - Week 19

We are into week 19!  Still working hard each day to make our house our home.
It is taking much longer than we thought, but we are doing most of it ourselves, and with me working and the captain having to do much of it alone, it is taking more time. 

Our  kitchen counter top is on its way...we ordered it last week and the last tracking update shows it is in Charlotte, so we are hoping it will be delivered soon.  Captain Man installed our kitchen sink, but can't install the faucet until the counter top is installed.   Once the counter top arrives, we will  have a working kitchen sink!  OM Gosh...I will be so happy. 

This sink is HUGE!

With a coffee cup inside to show scale

The island construction is done, now waiting on the counter top and slide in range.  Then all that's needed...trim and paint.  Don't worry, the floor is next, we will not be using the lovely green vinyl linoleum.  We are at this time researching flooring options.  We like the look, easy maintenance and waterproofing of the floating vinyl planking, but Captain Man is not sure if the existing floor will allow this type of application.  The floor is not level and has an area that may not be conducive to vinyl planking.  It is what we want, but may not be what will work.  So, that is still up in the air. 

Bathroom door with hardware

Works well...

The hardware has been installed on the bathroom door.  And I added another coat of paint.  All done!

I have completed the scraping, priming and painting of the hallway...YIPPEE!! 
And we are pleased with the way it looks.  All that is left... buy a runner rug and get a piece of furniture for the side wall...something like a entry or console table and we are done with that room!


Scraping and sanding


and more priming

One coat of paint

and the last coat

and we are done!

My sweetie also found time this past week to surprise me with a new headboard for our bed.  I wanted a paneled headboard, and he made one.  Found it in our dining room when I got home from work.  He is so sweet.  it looks great and  I love it!


Our paneled headboard

Staining the headboard

My end of day retreat!

I took some time to paint our front porch swing.  One of the arms was broken and I wondered if I should just get another swing.  But my captain fixed it with epoxy.  After some priming and a few coats of's as good as new.  I am enjoying sitting on our porch in the evenings, relaxing and getting to know some of our neighbors.  Life is good and I am thankful.

As we start our new week...I hope each of us take the time to remember those that are suffering due to Hurricane Harvey.   It has been hard to watch the devastation and know so many are having to deal with such loss.  Hopefully each one of us will try to do something that will benefit those that have lost so much. 

Until next time...give thanks...and enjoy!

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