Saturday, September 30, 2017

Our River House Fixer Upper - Week 23

This week the captain was busy with the kitchen floor.  While installation is easy enough, with a house this old, there are some challenges.  But, it is down and I like it.  

Some trimming here and there along the baseboard and we are done with the floor.  Woo HOO!!!

I was busy priming the living room.  This room is still our catch all for our work related "stuff"...saws, paint, tools, master bathroom cabinets and commode, etc.  That room is packed, and  the only cleared area is a path from the front door to the hallway room.  When I get up in the wee hours of the morning to head to work, I have to be extra careful not to trip on anything as it can be hazardous in the dark!

If you will remember, the walls had very busy wallpaper initially.  I steamed the paper off and then the walls were patched and sheet rocked, and that was that.  Now this room is ready for priming, and painting.  So, I started the priming step this week.  

Got it done.  Now will start working on the trim work (UGH!!!).

We did a few minor other projects this week.  Installed a backdoor outdoor light, and a new interior ceiling light in the living room.  All in all...another productive week on the house.

It is getting there!!! 

Until next time...


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