Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Italy - Day 9 - Back to Rome

Mt. Vesuvius

It was hard to believe, but time came for us to return to Rome. But not without another quick shopping trip in Piazza Tasso.   Becky and I left the guys and did a whirlwind shopping spree.  Many craftsmen in their little shoppes working away skillfully in time lost art.  We met one such craftsman along with his son.  They are artisans skilled in intarsia... inlaid woodwork.  This craft is over 500 years old and can only be done by highly trained artisans.  Augusto and Luca are such artisans.  Augusto is third generation, and his son Luca is fourth generation who are masters of this art.  The wood is hand cut with small blades, then inserted and placed together on the same level, with wood pieces that are no thicker than 6 millimeters.  Beautiful work.  

My beautiful treasure made by Augusto

Augusto and his son, Luca

We spent a long time lingering over the lovely pieces.  Many thanks to these artist who are keeping their craft alive.

We were being beckoned by our guys to get going and it was time to leave.  We left Sorrento with regret...our time here was not long enough.  

We left Sorrento with regret...our time here was not long enough.  But we needed to return the rental car and we were approaching our last few days in this beautiful country.  

Heading back to Rome with Mt. Vesuvius in the background

the road trip back with more beautiful views

It was hard to stop taking pictures

Beautiful villas along the cliff overlooking the sea

Another lovely village

The distance from Sorrento to Rome is approximately 265 kilometers.  We wanted to return the rental car, and not use the car in Rome.  Marcus was done with the driving and we were happy to oblige.  He was a trooper and we were thankful for his driving.  The rental was returned at the airport and we had a most eventful cab ride back into the Eternal City.  It was quite an adventure.  Apparently cabbies have the right to drive on train and rail tracks if the streets are congested.  We held on tight and hoped for the best during this ride, and made it safely to our hotel.   

Becky and I collapsed once we got out of the cab

 Another lovely meal and we were ready to call it a day.  Tomorrow awaits.

Until next time...


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Italy - Day 8 - Sentiero degli Dei

Bucket list check off day.  We walked the Path of the Gods, Sentiero degli Dei.  The gorgeous path is on the cliffs of the Amalfi Coast is said to have some of the most breathtaking views of our earth.  I can truly was some of the most beautiful views I have witnessed.  

This path is 7.8 kilometers from Agerola to Nocelle, through ancient mule routes.  It is a once in a lifetime hike and I was captivated by the beauty.  The hike can take 3-5 hours, so we packed our lunch and headed on our way.  

Sign showing the trail discreetly placed on side of building

Beginning of the hike

Start of a upward walk

Houses along the way

View of the Mediterranean Sea

People still live on these cliffs and use donkeys to travel, but mostly they walk

Another view of the sea

The hike is listed as being "easy", and it wasn't hard, but it definitely should be done by those without joint or back issues as this path is not even, and does involve some uphill maneuvering.  We thought we were in pretty decent shape until we saw an elderly man come up behind us and pass us at a speed worthy of mentioning as he was clearly at least 20+ years older than us and passed us like it was nothing!!! And off he went, don't know where, since he was out of sight by the next bend.  We decided on a more stringent workout program once we got back home. 👍

We can see why it is called Path of the Gods

At a point where it goes downhill for a bit

Before we left Sorrento to drive to here, we made sure to pack lunch.  I stopped in a small home and brought these sun ripened tomatoes from an old Italian woman who could barely walk and whose face was that of worn leather.   She was beautiful and offered the grapes to go with our tomatoes.  I was touched and remembered her lovely gesture while we ate and drank in this beautiful place. 

Doesn't get any better...

Lunch with the best...friends, food, wine and God's beauty

Sentiero degli Dei - must do if you come to Italy

You have to stop in to absorb the moment

The Med

More houses along the way...some inhabited and some not

Like I said, the hike was up and down, and although not hard, was good exercise.  Good for working up appetite for more gelato later.


I definitely want to come back to this spot.  If planning a trip to Italy, please take the time to make this a stop on your itinerary.  It truly is one of the most beautiful places I've seen.  

It was getting later in the afternoon, so we had to pull ourselves off this hike and head back to the car to get to Sorrento before dark.  But not before our gelato fix.

On the ride home, Becky got a great pic of the sunset...what a DAY!!!

Amalfi sunset

Once back in Sorrento, we looked around for a place to dine...I know...more food, right?  But that's one of the many reasons we are here, to eat!   I said before I came on this trip that I was going to eat my way through these wonderful cities.  And so we did.  

Ristorante O' Murzill...wonderful food served by wonderful people

One of our best meals while in Italy

Once fed, we were exhausted.   We did not venture far this evening as our beds were calling us.  But, what fun we had today!  Can't wait for tomorrow!

Until next time...


Monday, October 29, 2018

Italy - Day 7 Sorrento!

The beautiful city of Sorrento...a coastal town in southwestern Italy that faces the Bay of Naples.  I love, love, love this place.  In doing my research for this trip, I read about a lovely little restaurant on the waterfront and could not wait to get there.  Da Emilia at Marina Grande is a family owned restaurant that has been there since 1947...the children and grandchildren of Emilia pride themselves on serving fish caught by the local fisherman and serving up the best tastes of the sea.  I read about the 'fish basket' and asked for it immediately without looking at the menu.  Along with a carafe of house vino blanco, I can say I was in total bliss.

My fish basket of sardines, anchovy, shrimp, calamari, small bass, and other fresh fish caught that morning   

Our vino

Insalata di Mare

Marina Grande

This meal was such an experience.  I can see why Sophia Loren loved this area.
It took some persuading to get me to leave, but Sorrento has so much to see and take in, so we got moving. 

Walking up toward the town away from the Marina Grande

Love the cobble walk ways between the buildings

Marcus waiting on the 'tourists taking many pics'

My granddaughters name...could not help but take a pic

Looking down at the Marina Grande

The Marina Grande

Olive trees

The Villa Fiorentino

Corso Italia- main shopping street in Sorrento

One of the churches along the Corso Italia

Inside the church

Flowing chocolate!

Many vegetable and fruit stands on the Corso Italia

Sorrento is said to have the best lemons in Italy

And you can find lemon everything here...candy, soap, lotion, limoncello

Local art and crafts

after shopping, time for more food and drink


We spent the rest of the day taking in the sights and sounds, and did a little shopping.  So much to see and experience.  Have I said I love this place?

After such a day, I couldn't be anything but ecstatic.  It was a beautiful!  

Until next time...
