Monday, October 22, 2018

Destination - Italy!

About 5 years ago, we planned a trip to Italy, but unfortunately, we had to back out at the last minute.  It was a total bummer, as Italy has been on my bucket list for a long time.  But, as fate would have it, it was a blessing in disguise.  So since then, I have been gradually working towards getting there and doing it right!  

Last spring, we booked our Italian trip for October and had two of our dear friends to join us for a 11 fabulous days in Rome, Naples, Minori and Sorrento.  The captain and our friends told me to "plan it the way you want to" and so I did.  Once the trip was booked in March, it was a done deal, and they pretty much had to go along with the plan.  But it was a good one!

Once the trip was booked,  I started my Italian lessons, and researched the areas I planned for us to go.  The prep work was exciting and I learned a good bit about this wonderful country and its rich history.

My family and friends asked me to takes "lots of pictures" and I did.  My goal with the upcoming posts will be to log my memories and to share with love ones.  You have always heard that pictures really do not capture the beauty of actually being there, and that is true.  However, my hope is that once logged, others as well as myself can take pleasure from the pictures and posts.

Until next time....


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