Monday, October 29, 2018

Italy - Day 7 Sorrento!

The beautiful city of Sorrento...a coastal town in southwestern Italy that faces the Bay of Naples.  I love, love, love this place.  In doing my research for this trip, I read about a lovely little restaurant on the waterfront and could not wait to get there.  Da Emilia at Marina Grande is a family owned restaurant that has been there since 1947...the children and grandchildren of Emilia pride themselves on serving fish caught by the local fisherman and serving up the best tastes of the sea.  I read about the 'fish basket' and asked for it immediately without looking at the menu.  Along with a carafe of house vino blanco, I can say I was in total bliss.

My fish basket of sardines, anchovy, shrimp, calamari, small bass, and other fresh fish caught that morning   

Our vino

Insalata di Mare

Marina Grande

This meal was such an experience.  I can see why Sophia Loren loved this area.
It took some persuading to get me to leave, but Sorrento has so much to see and take in, so we got moving. 

Walking up toward the town away from the Marina Grande

Love the cobble walk ways between the buildings

Marcus waiting on the 'tourists taking many pics'

My granddaughters name...could not help but take a pic

Looking down at the Marina Grande

The Marina Grande

Olive trees

The Villa Fiorentino

Corso Italia- main shopping street in Sorrento

One of the churches along the Corso Italia

Inside the church

Flowing chocolate!

Many vegetable and fruit stands on the Corso Italia

Sorrento is said to have the best lemons in Italy

And you can find lemon everything here...candy, soap, lotion, limoncello

Local art and crafts

after shopping, time for more food and drink


We spent the rest of the day taking in the sights and sounds, and did a little shopping.  So much to see and experience.  Have I said I love this place?

After such a day, I couldn't be anything but ecstatic.  It was a beautiful!  

Until next time...


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