Saturday, October 27, 2018

Italy - Day 5 Minori

Mt Vesuvius

We left Naples early Saturday morning.  It was a beautiful ride along winding mountains and the scenery was amazing.  Once again, we found ourselves on small roads that were barely wide enough for two cars to share.  Thankfully, this was not the "touristy" season, as I have heard this road is bumper to bumper in the summer.  Can't imagine doing this road with such traffic.  We were holding our breaths each time we met a car or bus coming in our direction.  And most of the time we did so in a switchback curve!  Yikes!  But Marcus handled it well.  Again, thank you my friend!!!

Another view of Mt. Vesuvius

We did not have a chance to hike Mount Vesuvius.  Mount Vesuvius is a somma-stratovolcano (for all you geologists out there).  It is best known for its eruption in 79 AD that led to the destruction of Pompeii and other surrounding settlements.  The exact numbers aren't known, but it is estimated that over 1000 people lost their lives during this event.   It is the only volcano on the European mainland that has erupted in the last 100 years and is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world...why?  Because of the densely populated areas within its reach.  There are more than 3,000,000 people in this area.  But it remained quiet while we were there and I hope it stays that way.

Our winding road

This road trip was spectacular.  Beautiful, each turn yet another breathtaking view.  We would stop and just quietly stare at the scene before us. 


The ride from Naples to our next stop, Minori, was a little over 2 hours.  Minori is a little seaside town at the center of a wide cove on the Amalfi Coast.  The "City of Pasta"!  During this trip, we had great hotels, but I must say our hotel here was absolutely perfect!!! So pretty!

Our hotel, Santa Lucia

Check out the tiles in the bathroom

Beautiful tiles on the floor

And we had a lovely balcony outside our room

The pic above was from the next morning, but wanted to show how lovely this place is.

But we did not come to Italy to stay in the rooms, so as soon as we got the car parked and we were checked in, I was itching to roam around this beautiful little town.  So off we went. 


Waterfront view

Walking the streets of Minori

Side street

Afternoon strolling

I had read that there is a Path of Lemons in Minori, and of course, we wanted to find the path and get going.  

Start of the path that leads upward

The Sentiere dei Limoni is a path that takes you from Minori to Maiori.  It is a gentle climb among the lemon groves and offers spectacular views of both towns and the Mediterranean.   

Upwards we go!

It was reported in my reading that this trek was relatively easy.  While not too hard, it definitely got the backside burn going.

Others were enjoying the walk as well

Overlooking the town of Minori


The town from about 1/3 way up the path

Many, many steps

Looking back

Beautiful Minori

Path of Lemons

Lemon trees were everywhere

Overlooking a grove of lemon trees

wild flowers growing from the rock walls

And higher we go

 The path goes through the small hamlet of Torre, and here you will find the old parish of San Michele Arcangelo.  

San Michele Arangelo Church

Lemon groves covered with netting

Finally...a level path!

More lemon groves

We actually met a woman living in one of the many houses on this path

It's a long walk!

See the man picking lemons!!!

The walk provided beautiful sights, local culture and some great exercise.   Back to Minori, and we felt we had worked hard enough to grab a bite and some vino bianco!

Good local wine abounds!

This town is not that large, but it had a huge church.  We were able to go inside and wow!

Basilica Di Santa Trofimena


The front door was massive

The church is situated in the middle of town and looks out to the sea.

It was getting close to sunset, so we wanted to get back to the waterfront.  Becky and I wanted to get our toes into the Med.  We left the guys on the street and walked onto the pebbly sand.  It was surreal.  


When you are this close to the sea, you know the seafood must be out of this world.  And it was.  For dinner that evening, we enjoyed a feast of sea bass, and octopus.  


Sea Bass with Lemon sauce (this area is all about the lemons!)

Grilled octopus

and local wine...meraviglioso!

 We walked back to our beautiful hotel and counted our lucky stars to be here!

Santa Lucia Hotel

What a glorious day!!!  

Until next time...


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