Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Italy - Day 8 - Sentiero degli Dei

Bucket list check off day.  We walked the Path of the Gods, Sentiero degli Dei.  The gorgeous path is on the cliffs of the Amalfi Coast is said to have some of the most breathtaking views of our earth.  I can say...it truly was some of the most beautiful views I have witnessed.  

This path is 7.8 kilometers from Agerola to Nocelle, through ancient mule routes.  It is a once in a lifetime hike and I was captivated by the beauty.  The hike can take 3-5 hours, so we packed our lunch and headed on our way.  

Sign showing the trail discreetly placed on side of building

Beginning of the hike

Start of a upward walk

Houses along the way

View of the Mediterranean Sea

People still live on these cliffs and use donkeys to travel, but mostly they walk

Another view of the sea

The hike is listed as being "easy", and it wasn't hard, but it definitely should be done by those without joint or back issues as this path is not even, and does involve some uphill maneuvering.  We thought we were in pretty decent shape until we saw an elderly man come up behind us and pass us at a speed worthy of mentioning as he was clearly at least 20+ years older than us and passed us like it was nothing!!! And off he went, don't know where, since he was out of sight by the next bend.  We decided on a more stringent workout program once we got back home. 👍

We can see why it is called Path of the Gods

At a point where it goes downhill for a bit

Before we left Sorrento to drive to here, we made sure to pack lunch.  I stopped in a small home and brought these sun ripened tomatoes from an old Italian woman who could barely walk and whose face was that of worn leather.   She was beautiful and offered the grapes to go with our tomatoes.  I was touched and remembered her lovely gesture while we ate and drank in this beautiful place. 

Doesn't get any better...

Lunch with the best...friends, food, wine and God's beauty

Sentiero degli Dei - must do if you come to Italy

You have to stop in to absorb the moment

The Med

More houses along the way...some inhabited and some not

Like I said, the hike was up and down, and although not hard, was good exercise.  Good for working up appetite for more gelato later.


I definitely want to come back to this spot.  If planning a trip to Italy, please take the time to make this a stop on your itinerary.  It truly is one of the most beautiful places I've seen.  

It was getting later in the afternoon, so we had to pull ourselves off this hike and head back to the car to get to Sorrento before dark.  But not before our gelato fix.

On the ride home, Becky got a great pic of the sunset...what a DAY!!!

Amalfi sunset

Once back in Sorrento, we looked around for a place to dine...I know...more food, right?  But that's one of the many reasons we are here, to eat!   I said before I came on this trip that I was going to eat my way through these wonderful cities.  And so we did.  

Ristorante O' Murzill...wonderful food served by wonderful people

One of our best meals while in Italy

Once fed, we were exhausted.   We did not venture far this evening as our beds were calling us.  But, what fun we had today!  Can't wait for tomorrow!

Until next time...


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