Sunday, October 28, 2018

Italy - Day 6 - Leaving Minori and driving the Amalfi Coast

Pottery and  frescoes at small museum in Minori

We only had one night in Minori, so we ventured out early on Sunday  to walk the streets of this beautiful village before we had to check out.  Doing so, we stumbled across a very small museum which had artifacts from the area that dated back to the first century.  Mostly consisted of pottery and a few frescoes that were found in this region.  

Dishes found in the area of Minori

Outside of the museum, there is the "Villa Romana"..  This Roman villa is also dated back to the first century.  It was discovered in early 1950's and was buried again in the flood of 1954.  No one knows who actually built this villa, but it is noted to have been someone famous and very wealthy.  It consists of many, many rooms and had painted frescoes on the walls, along with a ground level spa which they used as bathing pool.


Villa Romana

Villa Romana

After our morning walk, it was time to check out of our lovely hotel and hit the road.  Once again, Marcus was our driver, and we were suppose to be his navigators. 

While we had GPS and thought we knew where we wanted to go, we instructed Marcus to take a wrong turn and we headed up the mountain.  Mind you...there's no room for turning around here.  As we got higher, the fog set in and became more dense the higher we went.  I did not get any pictures of this part of the ride as all of us were focused on the little bit of road that we could see in such dense fog!  Too scared!  Once we got to a place where it was possible to turn around, that's what we did.  All of us were feeling more relaxed once the fog lifted.  And Marcus handled the car and turns with expertise!

The following pics are of the Amalfi coast and I can say pictures cannot capture the beauty of this place.  It was absolutely breathtaking and I was in awe.


Meeting a car in a turn, not much room!


The mountain with fog (we were up there!!!)

Meeting another car on the Amalfi coast ride

One of many beautiful buildings built on the cliff overlooking the sea

Marcus had nerves of steel behind the wheel!

The drive from Minori to Sorrento is approximately an hour and 40 minutes.  Took us a bit longer and by the time we got to Sorrento, we were starving!  We checked into our hotel....and headed off to find Emilia's!!!  But will save that for the next post.

Until next time...




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